May Garden Guide: What to Plant and Grow This Month

May Garden Guide: What to Plant and Grow This Month

Posted on May 08 2023


The Top Vegetables, Herbs, and Flowers to Grow This Month


Get ready to dig into your garden as May is the perfect month to start sowing and growing. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting, this article will guide you on what to sow and grow this month. From flowers to vegetables, there is something for every garden enthusiast. Here's what you can do:

Flowers to Sow and Grow

In the Greenhouse/Indoors

Start sowing larkspur in pots. This annual has similar flowers to delphinium, but it's easier to grow. You can also sow Helipterum indoors, which makes excellent dried flowers. Start Salvia indoors or buy garden-ready plants, such as Salvia patens 'Blue Angel', to brighten up your summer bedding.

You can sow biennials like Foxgloves, Dianthus plants, and Wallflowers in seed trays for flowering next year. Sow perennials like Delphiniums, Lupins, Aquilegia, and Primula in seed trays for flowering next year and the years to come.

You can also plant up pots and baskets of summer bedding plants and harden them off before placing them in position. Wait until June to do this in cold areas. Plant up certain varieties of climbing perennials like Passion Flowers in a sheltered, warm spot such as a conservatory or greenhouse, or at the foot of a south-facing wall.


Direct Sow Outdoors

Direct sow sunflower, nasturtium, poppy, cornflowers, and scabious seeds to attract bees and butterflies into your garden. Try a pre-mixed wildflower mixture for nectar-rich flowers perfect for pollinators. Direct sow ground cover annuals like phlox or candytuft now that the risk of frost has passed. You can also try direct sowing godetia 'Little Frills Mix', candytuft ‘Dwarf Fairy’ and poached egg plants (Limnanthes douglasii) to bring beneficial insects into your garden and vegetable plot. For vibrant color, try growing purple toadflax (Linaria purpurea), and direct sow Nigella damascena 'Moody Blues' - this variety has attractive double flowers and freely self-seeds.

Towards the end of the month, direct sow patio plants in containers. Try Gazania 'Tiger Stripes' for a dramatic pop of colour.


Plant Outdoors

Plant scented annuals such as marigolds or snapdragons now that the risk of frost has passed. You can also plant up foliage bedding varieties to allow them to establish over summer. Plant out climbing annuals such as Sweet Pea 'Sweet Infusion' and Petunia 'Tidal Wave Improved.' Now that the ground has warmed up, it's time to plant out patio shrubs and perennial patio plants such as lavender and geraniums.

You still have time to plant certain scented bedding plants to fill gaps. Try Alyssum 'Alice Golf Mixed,' which looks great in beds and is also loved by pollinators. You can also plant hydrangea plants in any rich, fertile soil. Plant out pollinator-friendly annuals now to create a mini wildlife patch in your garden. Try Rudbeckia 'Enchanted Embers' for a rich tapestry of colour that will last all summer.


Vegetables and Herbs to Sow and Grow

In the Greenhouse/Indoors

Start off sweetcorn in modules ready for planting out once all risk of frost has passed, try and grow at least 12 plants for good pollination and cropping.

Sow basil in pots for the greenhouse or patio - this Mediterranean staple thrives in warm conditions.

Try sowing lettuce in module trays under glass for transplanting into the garden later. Sow every 3 or 4 weeks for continuous harvesting.

Sow cucumber and gherkin seeds in individual pots or modules.

Plant glasshouse tomato plants in beds or growing bags.


Getting ready for Winter: Under cover sowing

Pumpkin, squash and courgette seeds are all great for sowing under cover now, along with runner beans and french beans. Remember to sow the beans individually into module trays for planting out after the risk of frost has passed.

Brassica and leafy green seeds are great to sow under cover 

Sow perennial herb seeds, such as rosemary, sage, thyme ‘Old English’, lovage and lemon balm under cover.


Direct sow outdoors

For direct sowing, try borage for use in salads and desserts, as well as beetroot, chard, broccoli, calabrese, carrots, peas, pak choi, parsnips, radishes, salad leaves, perpetual spinach, spring onions, Swiss chard, and swede.

For indoor or under-cover sowing, start cauliflower ‘All The Year Round’ seeds.

For planting outdoors, you can now move brassicas and leeks to their final positions.


Fruit to grow

If you're interested in growing fruit, you can sow melons in individual modules in the greenhouse or indoors.


One step ahead...

For those looking to plan ahead, it's recommended to order pea and bean plants, spinach 'Perpetual' seeds for sowing next month, tomato plants as postiplugs or potted plants, and pondside perennials for planting out next month.